《我就是这般女子40集》健为人善良有礼受过高等教育被公司派到大屿山大澳进行环保研究健与健妻刚刚结婚不久本十分恩爱以为到了大澳后可过平静清淡的生活谁知健妻重遇昔日黑社会男朋友—標从此之后他们的生活起了极大的改变一方面標欲与健妻重拾旧欢另一方面標的妹妹又对健终日多番挑逗这令到健与健妻的精神受到极大困扰一晚深夜健妻赫然发现標出现在他们的床前……Nada, a down-on-his-luck construction worker, discovers a pair of special sunglasses. Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is: people being bombarded by media and government with messages like "Stay Asleep", "No Imagination", "Submit to Authority". Even scarier is that he is able to see that some usually normal-looking people are in fact ugly aliens in charge of the massive campaign to keep humans subdued.《嗨起打他个鬼子》讲述的是1938年国民党南京政府西迁重庆后贵阳成为战略重地日军为打通西南通道派遣小分队到贵州腹地进行情报窃取工作从而引发贵州少数民族英勇抗日的故事《电影明星第二季》是知名的电影明星访谈节目嘉宾包括大名鼎鼎的卡梅隆、马特·达蒙、休·杰克曼等等...