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当前位置 首页 剧情片 《变节》


类型:剧情  英国  2006 

主演:Bruce Cumings 洪哲洙 Charles Robert Je 

导演:Daniel Gordon 


一九六二年一名驻守南朝鲜的美军背弃同僚徒步穿越世上守卫最森严的疆界变节投奔冷战中的敌对阵营——北朝鲜他在北朝鲜变成了最有魅力的宣传人今天最后一位仍在北朝鲜生活的变节美军——詹姆卓斯诺克现身说法第一次和世人分享他在彼邦四十五年来的生活In 1962, a US soldier sent to guard the peace in South Korea deserted his unit, walked across the most heavily fortified area on earth and defected to the communist state of North Korea. Now, after 45 years, the story of James Dresnok, the last American defector in North Korea, is being told for the first time


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